Our pregnancy story

"this is the start of your sweet little story, the part where your page meets mine. No matter where your tale takes you tomorrow, our story will always read LOVE."

(the above picture was found on google and is not my image. This is temporary until I can shoot my own)

When I first saw that pregnancy stick turn positive, I knew my life had instantly changed. And not just the no-sushi, no more wine, no more heavy workout's way that is. I always thought I would be scared the moment I found out I was expecting, but I wasn't. I felt calm and happy. Rushing around town to reveal the news to Chris in a crazy, creative way was the most fun start to this journey. Seeing the tears welled up in Chris' eyes affirmed me we both felt the same way. It was like our whole lives, relationship, and marriage brought us to here to somewhere only we know. Finding out we would be parents was the fresh breathe of air I had wanted my whole life.

I knew right away I wanted to do many special things to document every moment here on out. I decided on a blog and weekly pregnancy progression shots coordinating for a book! I came up with the concept "fly, baby" organically. Through all the adversities in my own personal life the only means to overcome it all was the ability to soar through it. While taking the good in with the bad I always came out stronger. Our wish for our baby is to fly through every chapter life offers, coming out wiser, happier, and more durable each time. This is our next and newest, greatest, unexpected chapter and I can't wait to share every bit with you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

the bump emerges

I'm 13 weeks! Only 26 more weeks to go...

What's been going on? So in comparison to my last post, I am finally starting to feel a lot better and more normal. You know, no one tells you really how strange it feels to be pregnant. It's the weirdest feeling ever. And, although I know we are having a baby, it hasn't sunken in 100% that a REAL live crying little cherub will be coming out of my body (ew!) and into my arms. I told Chris to really enjoy the silence because things are really going to change after our addition comes. Since I nannied for 8 years, I have a really good concept of how much things are going to change. I'm ready, but it still seems so... surreal. I can't wait to hold the baby for the first time, I know I will be balling with happy tears and just thrilled that I did the coolest thing in the world. It's pretty bizarre... when you find out you are having a baby, nothing seems to compare in the amazingness of knowing that.
What's current with Baby D, C, and me? I opted to have a screening test done for the baby to test for down syndrome and spina bifida. We are happy to report that our results came back NORMAL and the baby is safe (for now). Again, it's one of those weird things like... the first moment I worried about my babies' safety and health... it was wonderful reading those results. I also had the luxury of having a 45 minute sonogram and it was... A M A Z I N G! I got to see the baby for the first time LOOKING like a real baby, it was just the neatest thing ever. I got the best pictures and the baby was so... calm. The nurse had to wake it up a few times to get the correct measurements and the only thing moving was one foot that was sticking straight up. So, I of course probed more questions about how early you could tell the sex of a baby. She answered quickly and to my HUGE surprise, "well, I can tell now". And, without further ado she was 70% sure of what it would be... and... I can't tell you all yet because we aren't 100% sure until the next ultrasound appt. December 19th. But, it confirmed our gut instincts and makes perfect sense for us. I am SO excited and I've already gone shopping... twice :)
What's up next? Only 4 more weeks to confirm our angle's gender, obviously we are so anxious and think it will be quite comical if it ends up being opposite than what we were told.  :) The next step is definitely finding our nursery set. This has been the hardest choice ever. I have looked into so many options and can't seem to make my mind up "the one". So far, our favorite is one from Restoration Hardware here.
I toyed with the idea of getting a used crib on craigslist and after looking at 1, decided against it. I just don't feel comfortable with the safety of it and can't be sure it's not broken or all the nuts/bolts are there...just makes me nervous. And then my other dilemma is wanting a $800 crib! On one hand I feel like I should be reasonable about it and the baby won't know a difference between a $200 crib from Wal-mart or a $800 crib from a high end boutique. But then on the other hand, I know that although every pregnancy is special, there is NOTHING like that first born. I *know* after this babe, it will be all about what's cheapest, realistic, and how many hand me downs can I accumulate. So... my plan is scope out my favorite high end brands on black Friday hoping for a HUGE sale or discount on the nursery sets. The one we love for the nursery, bedding, changing table and book shelf is $3500!!!!! Eccck. I will def. need a discount on that...

I also love cribs from Pottery Barn baby & Land of Nod (crate and barrel). My biggest choice is style of nursery... more modern white/beige or go more for a classic SLIGHT vintage style of cream/tan?
I have definitely picked a color scheme regardless of the gender- beige, cream, and hints of light sage blue (if it's a girl, we will add in touches of pink of course, if not we will leave it at sage blue). We love this bedding set here.  in silver mist.

My pinterest of nursery inspiration is here.

I look forward to...
  • looking more pregnant, not fat :) So far, I have gained 4 pounds.
  • wearing cute maternity clothes
  • finding more baby consignment stores 
  • finding the best sales at Baby Gap and other children's boutiques (can't lie, I am PICKY about the babies clothes... I find most baby apparel to be really... tacky. Call me a snot, but it's true!!!!)


  1. just input for the nursery, a baby NEEDS bright colors. It really helps the baby develop by stimulating their senses. Make sure to have bright colors and toys as well as toys full of sound too. That's how they start learning - by senses and interaction!

  2. I am with you on being a clothes snob! ;) I would say that 97% of what my son has worn his entire life has been Baby GAP. This includes pajamas, underwear, shoes, jackets and clothes....all of it! And each Spring and Fall I sell his clothes and usually do really well with that.

    Too bad that Henry is so much younger than my son (he'll be 5 on January 27th). We could work on your hand-me-downs. :)
